之前只觉得sana is such a queen这季能看到她藏在背后的各种坚持挣扎和不安,编剧愿意从marginalized group的视角写一个无关仇恨分裂暴力的普通穆斯林少女的故事真的很难得很有心 LoveDoSpread;ImagineAllThePeopleLivingLifeInPeace懂的人懂不懂的人大概早弃剧了。神烦那些无时不刻都在刷Isak和E的ky
大概是今年看的最好的纪录片。可爱的大师与妻子相识四天就结婚,还说自己浪费了三天时间。喜欢看漂亮女人,喜欢到处亲吻别人,喜欢喝酒,却对两个女儿要求极严,不允许她们穿短裙,烧掉她们的牛仔裤。精力旺盛到一天只睡两三个小时,一周演44首不同的曲目。最夸张的时候前一晚音乐会结束跟钢伴直奔苏联大使馆学新曲子,一小节一小节抠到凌晨四点,第二天上午再跟乐团彩排的时候已经是flawless. 在被USSR gov打压事业受挫之后哭得像个孩子,去伦敦谋生,下飞机时却花团锦簇地带着一只纽芬兰大狗两把大提琴。"He was such an unbelievable life force. He lived life to the full and beyond. "如此真性真情恣意洒脱,如此热爱生活的人。泪目。
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" 文本稍弱,但俏皮讨喜 We need the ultimate question, or one that sounds ultimate. Fine. Fine, take it, 'cause my head is filled with questions, and no answer to any one of them has ever brought me one iota of happiness. Except for one. The one. The only question I've ever wanted an answer to. Is she the one? The answer bloody well isn't 42, it's yes. Undoubtedly, unequivocally, unabashedly, yes. And for one week, one week in my sad little.. blip of an existence... it made me happy. 有一说一,Vogon星人的“行动之鞭”有丶实用,哲学家必备。