La suite opiniâtre, qui "Te" transforme en diable: ) Et bientôt la suite de cette suite?
innocent or otherwise. 你确实在乎一个无辜的小生命 You do 正因为那个孩子她才绝不让步 child is the reason she'll never give an 她所做的一切恶行都是为了孩子 lings she has ever done she has done f 她也不是赢不了 It's not impossible that she'll win. 她的敌人已经筋疲力尽 Her enemy's forces have been depletec 就跟她说得一样, as she said they would be. 死了两条龙 Two of the three dragons are dead. 她有兰尼斯特大军黄金团