Alice Cooper, first showed herself in public after being disclosed as a former Serpent member, showed off her dangerous charm with a scarlet, low–neck gown and shiny high-heeled sandels. She was SO stunning that the scene has been carved deeply in my mind with her high key proud and attractiveness.
《我的塞林格之年》,一個小學生命題式的主旨化寫作,《如何抑止女性寫作》的正面鼓励之《年輕女性如何寫作》。”You’ll son find the double standard for women success”,and also your boyfriend sucks. 但处处点题与精细的intellectual穿搭又在说,这是一个2022年建构的纽约故事,一个套壳于1995年的2022现代女性。(ps. 开头一段讲UCL英国文学硕士的失业生活+乔治城大学见面,是谁毕业即失业)