浪漫有爱的故事。影片最大亮点是故事本身和飞翔时优美的景色。飞行本身是浪漫的,加上(小女孩)开着(父亲)自制飞机,带领一群大雁从加拿大飞安大略飞到美国弗吉尼亚,航程400英里,这个事件更具吸引力。故事的内核是爱,它指向了爱的另一个面向,人和动物之间的情感联结,同时映射父女感情。看到一群大雁宝宝跟随小女孩走动的印随行为Imprinting,想起一个经历,我在草丛发现一只迷路的小鸭子,它一直跟着我,直到我帮它找到家。当察觉小动物信赖依赖你,感觉很微妙。影片由真实故事改编,艺术家Bill Lishiman就是”雁爸爸"。Mark大雁爸爸的纪录片《超级大雁 The Ultra Geese》和自然纪录片《迁徙的鸟》,以后看20200628NO84
This film felt unfinished and could have done more. Chloe delivered a strong performance and she actually pulled the hard role off nicely. I also like the cinamatograph in the general of the movie, especially about the last morning they have breakfast together where daylights are superb. I just wish the film had a more resolute ending.